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Start your employee rewards program

It's easy to start your own rewards program with either virtual or real rewards. We give you everything you need to manage and distribute your own virtual currency.

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Rewards programs

An internal reward store is a great way to recognize top performers, drive strategic initiatives, and offer creative perks to your team. RedCritter gives you a reward and recognition platform that automates your entire employee rewards program – from issuing “points” to rewards fulfillment.

You can choose which items to include in your rewards store. Choose real or virtual items to movitate your team. As employees earn points they can spend them by viewing their profile at or use our Salesforce, iPhone or Windows Phone apps.

Did you know?
Employees that receive regular individual recognition and rewards for doing good work are responsible for a 10% to 20% increase in revenue and productivity.
- Gallup Q12 Research Study

Zendesk example

Follow along to integrate recognition and rewards into your Zendesk.
Running time 22 minutes
Created 11/22/2013