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Optimize your sales

We give you a whole new toolset to motivate, inspire and drive your sales team's performance to all new levels.

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Sales optimization

RedCritter increases sales performance and productivity by weaving social and game dynamics into your existing business processes. By fostering the natural drive to win and the desire to achieve status among sales professionals, RedCritter accelerates the bottom line performance of your sales team.

We bring badges, leaderboards, reward points, a reward store, skill tracking, and peer-to-peer accolades. RedCritter is easy to manage and tie to your key performance metrics.

Did you know?
Sales contests aren’t new to the industry... Today we can run competitions that are dynamic and digital, making them that much more efficient for managing and effective for motivation. Why wouldn’t you take advantage of that?
- Inc.

RedCritter Connecter works with Salesforce, SharePoint, MS Dynamics CRM, ZOHO CRM and just about every other SFA or CRM system. It can even work with your custom developed in-house business systems.