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Empower your agents

Give your agents ownership of their performance with measureable real-time feedback. Drive your key metrics by issuing virtual currency to agents when they do something great.

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Contact centers

You’ve tweaked your IVR for the umpteenth time, what else can you do to engage your contact center agents and increase your level of service? RedCritter enhances your contact center’s bottom line by rewarding specific behaviors, inspiring friendly competition, improving training procedures and empowering your agents to feel a greater sense of ownership in their jobs.

RedCritter brings badges, skills, certs, reward points and peer-to-peer accolades that are easy to manage and tie to your key performance metrics.

Did you know?
Through game mechanics, supervisors can give recognition to agents who are high performers and more easily identify where personalized guidance and additional agent training is needed.
- Bluewolf

Zendesk example

Follow along to integrate recognition and rewards into your Zendesk.
Running time 22 minutes
Created 11/22/2013