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Recognize and reward your employees

Align your employees motivations with your business objectives to boost your company's productivity.

RedCritter Connecter unifies your employee engagement strategy across all your business apps, even those you built in-house.

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Use cases

RedCritter increases employee engagement and productivity by weaving social and game dynamics into your existing business processes. Our platform, RedCritter Connecter, is a social-enterprise employee productivity and engagement SaaS. RedCritter Connecter easily layers on-top of your existing enterprise solutions to manage, showcase and reward employee achievements.

Rewards programs

RedCritter offers gift cards from dozens of retailers, in addition to intangible gifts like “lunch with the boss” or “VIP parking spot for a month” ensuring you tap into each employees unique motivators.

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Sales optimization

By fostering the natural drive to win and the desire to achieve status among sales professionals, RedCritter accelerates the bottom line performance of your sales team.

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Contact centers

RedCritter enhances your contact center’s bottom line by rewarding specific behaviors, inspiring friendly competition, improving training procedures and empowering your agents to feel a greater sense of ownership in their jobs.

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Employee onboarding

Engage your new hire on day 1! RedCritter helps you in your onboarding to: automate the process, accelerate training and create immediate peer-to-peer relationships.

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Learning and development

RedCritter drives learning and development by leveraging basic human motivators through real-time rewards and recognition.

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